Michael Malone

The Only Begotten - "In a very well reasoned book, Michael Malone brings our attention to number of learned authorities who teach that Our Lady was indeed baptized. He makes a very well-argued and logical case for this to have been, and further to have been necessary. Such an apparently outrageous claim! I have never considered such a possibility - that the Immaculately Conceived Virgin Mother of God should have been baptized ... but out of necessity?

"Only a fool or a person of ill-will can deny that the Catholic Church today is in the midst of an unprecedented crisis and universal decline. Perhaps the chief reason for this is the utter collapse of the spirit of mission over the last thirty years. This, in my view, has been caused by "forgetting" the Dogma that outside the Church there is no salvation and its replacement with the obsession of an "Ecumenism" that would have us believe that all religions are equally efficacious means of salvation. Whatever we might think about the theological accuracy of his case -- and, to negate it would, I submit, prove difficult -- Michael Malone reveals his utter Catholicity. Congratulations on a most stimulating book!" Fr. Timothy Hopkins, Shrine of St. Philomena, Miami, Florida.

The Only Begotten - 450 pp. large format (8.5" x 11") - $39.00 (shipping & handling)

To order The Only Begotten using PayPal, click on the icon below

The Case Concerning Catholic Contraception is the final major work which Mike Malone undertook before his death in 2000, and it remains unfinished. And, while Mike would liked to have spent more time working on it, God determined otherwise. Eternal rest grant unto Michael Malone, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

That being said, three people have been working on the manuscript of this book in order to get it ready for press. We have been making manuscript copies available as we have them.

The subject matter of this work is self-evident from the title. Mike Malone addresses the matter of contraception through the eyes of the perennial teaching of Holy Mother Church and tackles the thorniest issues that are involved. If you would like a manuscript copy, give us a call at: 877-395-2320 (toll free) to see if we have any available.

The Case Concerning Catholic Contraception - (Spiral Bound) $8.95

The Case Concerning Catholic Contraception - (Paperback) $10.00




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